Regular treatment for periodontitis
Periodontitis can be brought to a halt by consistent gum pocket treatment. We remove the existing bacterial plaque and deposits on the necks or roots of the teeth using modern, effective procedures.
Continuous and prompt follow-up after periodontitis treatment is of enormous importance. The achieved state of health should be maintained. We support you with individual concepts tailored to your personal needs. Trust in our experience.

Periodontitis treatment
Periodontitis, often colloquially called “periodontitis”, is a chronic bacterial inflammation and the most common cause of tooth loss.
An inflammatory process causes the periodontium (gums and bone) to break down and loosen teeth until they need to be extracted or eventually simply fall out. Bleeding gums, mild swelling of the gums and bad breath can be signs of periodontal disease.
Arrange an appointment now
Trust us with your smile and your dental health. Make an appointment now at short notice and without complications – in our practice Lüneburger Straße 2, in the middle of Hamburg - Harburg.